PMPA Invites All to SID Congress 2025 in Chicago
PMPA Executive Director Cate Smith and current SID President Ron Bracalente are excited to invite all SID delegates to Chicago, Illinois, June 8-12, 2025, to experience high precision manufacturing and American culture.
The mission and the purpose of the SID organization is to provide a platform for members with different cultures to get together. We all have the same things in common, which allows us to share with each other the challenges we have and most importantly the solutions. Developing friendships, the stories we share, both personally and professionally, is what keeps me coming back to the SID events. We look forward to welcoming you to the U.S.” Ron Bracalente, Bracalente Manufacturing Group, Trumbauersville, PA
Steve Doyle BTMA President for the next two years
Steve Doyle from Trust Precision Engineering Ltd, based in the East Midlands of the UK, commenced his term as BTMA President at the Annual General Meeting held on Friday the 19th November 2021.
Steve has been a long standing member of the BTMA. He has served as Vice President to Nick Groom for the last three years and has valuable experience as a member of the BTMA Officers Committee. Steve is a supporter of the BTMA’s involvement in the SID. Along with the executive committee team the intention is to continue building on the work to date making the BTMA an active participant in the SID during his period as BTMA President.

SID Congress 2023, Catalonia
The SID Congress is the flagship conference in the field of precision turned parts manufacturing and the biggest international event. Next edition will be held in Barcelona, Catalonia, in 2023, hosted by the Catalan Precision Turned Parts Manufacturing Association.
The conference will include several presentations and visits to companies. The SID Congress 2023 expect to receive more than 250 attendees from 10 different countries during one week.
SID Congress 2018, Ireland
PTMA, Ireland, organised the SID Congress, June 10 – 14th 2018. Partners’ programme and Delegates’ programme with factory visits and business day was successfully arranged and well mixed with cultural visits and entertainment. The delegates program offered visits to and around Killarney, Limerick, Shannon and Galway. Thank you PTMA for a well-managed congress.
The next SID Congress will be held in Barcelona 2020 and arranged by ADECAT, Catalonia.

30 Under 30: Recognizing the Future Leaders of Manufacturing
Maeve Guilfoyle, whom the SID participants met during the SID Congress, is one of the 30 under 30 when Manufacturing Engineering are presenting the Future Leaders of Manufacturing 2018.
Maeve Guilfoyle: I feel very humble for being selected. I’m one of 8 women and the only person selected outside north America and Canada.
Maeve Guilfoyle made the unlikely transition from music to manufacturing. “Since I was 12 years old,” said Guilfoyle, “music was all I wanted to do.” Her attitude changed once she began taking college music courses. The classwork was too freeform and ill-suited to the way Guilfoyle learns.