SID Congress 2018 Episode 1 (5)
Interview with Kevin Lynch, Secretary, PTMA, Ireland
Strand Hotel, Limerick

SID Congress 2018 Episode 2 (5)
Interview with Urs Steinemann, Vice President, SWISS PRECISION, Switzerland
Woodlands Hotel, Adare

SID Congress 2018 Episode 3 (5)
Interview with Nathan Bracalente, student, Bracalente Manufacturing Group, USA
Lady Gregory Hotel, Galway

SID Congress 2018 Episode 4 (5)
Knappogue Castle

SID Congress 2018 Episode 5 (5)
Strand Hotel, Limerick

Leila Khammari, SKTC, Sweden, documented the Congress for the Swedish association SKTC hence some of the material are in Swedish.